Publishing 2.0 News Dec 24 2008

OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn

Here is a round up of some interesting posts from around the web:

  • If you want to know more about ebook readers and which ones are the best to use and why, check out Geeks's overview post of various ereaders designed at people just starting so it is not too techy
  • If you are struggling with what to write about, just go with what you know and notice in your environment. What is important to you? This is what 9 year old Alec Greven has done with his book “How to talk to girls” which was picked up by Harper Collins and optioned for a movie. He has plans for several more.
  • Write to Done posts 10 essential online resources for Writers including how to find a literary agent, list of conferences and the free copy of Elements of Style – Strunk and White's classic
  • Penguin might seem to be the bastion of “old” literature, but they are moving in to the future with Penguin 2.0 – with an app on the iPhone and Penguin Classics in ebook format
  • Publishing is also expanding on Second Life, where you can have another online existence with your own avatar. Publishers about to set up stores are Macmillan (including Pan, Palgrave Macmillan and Nature), Cinnamon Press, Canongate, and Bluechrome. The Written Word is an area on Second Life devoted to writers and there is a site map so you can have a look before you enter Second Life itself. The Digitalist at Pan Macmillan also reports on the Elucian Islands within SL, which held an online launch party for a techno thriller.
  • Publicity is always important for authors – and the Publicity Hound is one of the best resources. She has just launched a free PDF download of top publicity tips for 2008. Download it and use some of the ideas to publicise yourself in 2009.
  • Authonomy has an interview with Barbara Taylor Bradford with tips on being a fiction writer. Determination and hard work are keys to success.  Authonomy is one of the social networking sites you should have a look at as a writer to connect with like minded people and potential customers.
Joanna Penn:
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