OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn
Podcast: Download (Duration: 33:50 — 7.7MB)
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I have been immersing myself in the podcasting world lately. There are some real characters out there, and Tee Morris is definitely one of them!
Tee is an author of fiction and non-fiction books, including the fantastic Billibub Baddings series. He was one of the first podcasters, co-founded PodioBooks.com and is also a speaker on Web 2.0 and social media.
[I interviewed Tee and Pip Ballantine together, hence they refer to each other in the interviews. Pip's interview will be posted next week. ]
In this podcast, you will learn:
- How Tee got started in writing and podcasting
- The beginnings of podcast novels – Morevi podcast in full
- Tee's book launch with marauding pirates starts him down the route of promotion for his books – podcasting was a great way to get the word out there and it became a new movement
- How authors can improve performance by reading their work – believe in your work!
- Why having a good time is so important in the podcasting world – if you don't enjoy it, don't do it!
- For an example of passion in the work, check out Scott Sigler's The Rookie
- Why is podcasting so important for authors to connect with the audience?
- Why many publishers and authors don't podcast
- On Podiobooks and how authors can get their work on it
- Dragon Moon Press still publishing in a time of publishing trouble
- What new authors need to be doing in this current market: Build your own platform, have a marketing and promotion plan – you have to market your books yourself. Marketing makes a bestseller!
- Tee's next book is All a Twitter: A Personal and Professional Guide to Social Networking with Twitter
. How you can use Twitter to connect with authors, extend your network and broaden resources.
You can find Tee Morris, his books and more here:
Seriously at Imagine That Studios and @itstudios
Amusingly at TeeMorris.com and @teemonster
View Comments (1)
Well done! I have been following Morris's career and your interview one of the better I have heard.
I do wonder though about a few technical issues associated with distributing Podiobooks. We distribute our New Zealand author's book Bent Not Broken as a paid podcast and have included some instructions on her website cautioning our customers to make a few changes in podcast settings. Such as turning off the auto delete option and unsubscribing after all episodes (chapters) have been downloaded.
The last step prevents the listener from being prompted for a User Name and Password each time they activate their podcatcher. Of course, would not be needed for free audio books. We will be offering an abridged version of her works soon. I wonder if others have used the same strategy to promote not only the printed and e-books formats but the unabridged audio book as well.
Keep up the great work!