OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn
Blogs are a fundamental part of the author platform, so authors need to know how to blog effectively. I had 2 blogs before this one and neither one went anywhere. I had little traffic and no interest. I wanted to have a successful blog so I decided to learn from the experts before I wasted any more time and energy.
This blog recently made it to #6 on the Top Australian Writing Blogs. Many of the blogs on the list are established and have a lot more posts on them, but with a targeted strategy, I have made it into the Top 10 within 7 months of launch.
I am also featured on the AllTop Books Site which is a roundup of the best blogs in the industry. My subscribers, traffic and email list grow daily and I am continually looking for ways to improve.
The key to a great blog is learning from an expert, speeding up the process of starting a blog and getting it technically sorted.
My blogging mentor is Yaro Starak from Entrepreneurs Journey and his program is one of the reasons my blog is doing so well.
Yaro is a laid-back, no-hype guy who loves to blog quality content and share his knowledge. His blog has over 70,000 RSS subscribers which is successful but anyone's standards! He makes a very good full time living from blogging and teaches others how to be successful too. I decided to do Yaro's course because I wanted to save my time and effort. Read on if you are interested in doing the same!
Free information on blogging from Yaro
This info is fantastic and if you use this alone you will benefit greatly! It will teach you how to setup a blog yourself and start blogging.
Click here for 10 free videos on how to start a blog.
The Become a Blogger Program
Yaro's premium program is a monthly subscription that gets you video tutorials, text based documents, audios and teleseminars where you can ask questions. It is run by Yaro and Gideon Shalwick, an expert in making videos and internet business. This is a course for people who want to be successful bloggers quickly and who are not scared to put some work in. It is for people who want to ramp up their blogging and actually make an impact online.
The course is not specifically for authors, but the information is relevant to all bloggers. If you put it all into practice, your blog will definitely get results. I can personally testify to how useful it has been for my own blog. I will also soon be re-launching my first blog and will be using all the same techniques because I know they work.
Yes, I am an affiliate of this program, but I can show you results from it, so I recommend it in good faith. If you are even remotely interested in blogging as an author, download the free roadmap for starters and then decide how to proceed.
View Comments (3)
Interesting. Normally I'm a little reluctant to look at things like this - the web is filled with all sorts of schemes making promises that it is hard to know what is genuine anymore.
Still, it is worth having a look at the roadmap for ideas. I'd certainly like to drive up traffic for my blog, given the low levels it is at.
Before I wasn't too concerned, but I read just the other day about the theory of 1000 True Fans at http://ow.ly/duR4 - if you can garner 1000 fans who are each willing to spend a days wages a year on you, then you are doing fine. The quest becomes of course to find those 1000 fans - and hopefully more.
Hi Andrew, that is a great article, I shall tweet it. Thanks!
Also, I can personally vouch for Yaro hence the post. This blog is far more successful than my other ones, ONLY because I went and actually learnt about it! Yaro is also low-hype which makes a change in internet marketing! I hope you enjoy the roadmap. Thanks Joanna
I found something tweet worthy - yay me!
As I said, normally I'm a little reluctant unless I am directed to it by a reliable, trustworthy source. So I'll give it a look-see.