OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn
Podcast: Download (Duration: 36:36 — 8.4MB)
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This fantastic podcast roams over some interesting topics so I hope you enjoy it!
Warning: There is some questionable language and talk of horror, violence and religion so please don't listen if you might be offended.
In this podcast, you will learn:
- How indie author Alan got a deal with Gryphonwood Press and also his opinions on how self-publishing can help authors who take it seriously
- Why writing about myths, religion and the supernatural are fascinating topics and can help readers resonate with the story
- How these topics can offend people, but writers need to write what is driving them and not be concerned about what others think. Don't compromise your story.
- To write in a genre, read as much as possible. If you are using established mythologies, you must stay true to the myth.
- On writing graphic violence and horror vs thriller
- On making bad guys who are demons and therefore not 3D. Does this go against the writing ‘rules'?
- Tips for writing interesting fight scenes by Alan, who is a Kung Fu Instructor and personal trainer. No 1 rule: Run away!
- Can an author go from self-published to indie author/small press to being picked up by a traditional publisher? Yes, and how Alan's journey has developed.
Definitely check out Alan's books if you enjoyed the podcast. You can get free chapters here – Realmshift and Magesign
You can connect with Alan on twitter @AlanBaxter
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