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Writer's groups can be quite difficult because sometimes there is more talking than writing. Maybe that's what you want, but I have been struggling to find a place to write for a while now. When I talked to Dan Sawyer a while back on prolific writing, he mentioned his writing partner Gail, and I felt the need to find something similar. Last week I found the perfect writer's group and I talk about it below.
The writing group I went to has rules: No talking, just writing, for 2 hours. Then you're free to socialize. I arrived at the Battersea pub at 6.30pm after work, ready to write, but also jaded from a full day's work. I was knackered and if I had gone home, it would have been dinner, reading and bed. But there were 4 other writers there and they were diligently at it, so I opened my netbook and started to write. Two hours later I had 2000 words and a new scene for Prophecy, my next novel. Brilliant!I will be going back next week, ready to write again. The positive peer pressure was just what I needed.
So to find the right writer's group for you – decide what you want to get out of it, and what you are willing to put in. I don't want to talk at the moment, I want to write. I'm sure I will need a critique group for the next phase of the edits, but right now, it's first draft which means writing.
Are you in a writer's group? What does it provide for you?
What do you recommend for others?
PS. This is the first video from my garden in London. It's under a flight path so it is a little noisy – and I got the camera angle wrong – I do have a body! Let me know what you think. Do you like my videos?
View Comments (11)
Hi Joanna, yes, I love your videos, they inspire me to create mown and the writers group sounds great too. yes, I need that kind of support! very sad to hear you left Brisbane but happy you're happy and enjoying a new chapter. I used to live just about opposite Battersea Park in Worlds End so at least I know where you are.
I need to set myself a writing goal for my Naked Travel Stories because they're not going to happen without one and I so want to get them out there and sell g on Amazon like your book.
Thanks for the inspiration:)
Thanks Annabel - I'm going to keep doing videos but I wonder how much the audience of writers actually watches them, given the focus on words. BUT/ it's also important to be ahead of the curve right :) Video is huge in other blogging markets and may well soon be big in ours.
Having a word count goal is entirely necessary for a new writing project as we can't edit a blank page. I also like this free writing stage of first drafting, it's when I can utterly indulge and let loose - then cull a lot and rewrite in editing phase. You'll get there - you know how to write :)
Hi Joanna,
Sadley there is no writing group around here, tried meet up. com at your suggestion but nothing within 25 miles. That is why I follow blogs such as your for inspiration and encouragement when needed. Thanks for sharing! Lesley
The garden is gorgeous! I like seeing a tiny window into your world. I think video helps readers connect with the person behind the words. I like them.
I run a really small social network/workshop/writers group that also happens to collaborate on a monthly short fiction magazine. It's fun to be able to get to know other writers from different backgrounds. I like that the focus of the group is on a collective & productive goal. It keeps everyone on point. If you're interested in writing short fiction, feel free to look us up at eFiction Authors.
Hi Joanna, I love your videos. It makes me feel like I know you personally, which makes me want to support you the way I would any friend. Definitely keep them. This one had a bit of a problem with pausing every couple of seconds. Never had that problem with your videos before. Don't know if it's youtube's fault or my computer.
There is no writing or critique group less than an hour from me and I haven't found a critique group online that I'm comfortable with. Meetups don't happen here, either. I'd be happy to find just one person to write with, but it isn't happening. Glad you found a good one, though.
My writing group is a critique group, but I like the idea of a group that is literally for *writing.* Although the critique group does work as positive peer pressure when it's my turn to submit a piece!
LOVE the videos for the reasons already mentioned. And I agree with Marcia: The video makes me feel I know you more personally & I want to support you as a friend. Interesting dynamic, isn't it? Writers connecting via video.
Won't bore you with details, but I found you at the right time. Your videos & podcasts have provided invaluable education and inspiration.
In preparation for the release of my own book, I'm revamping my online presence to include video. After seeing yours, I'm convinced it's the best way to provide a more personal connection to readers.
At any rate, please know how much we want more videos and appreciate the effort that goes into your site.
And yes, the garden is an English classic! We'll have another, please...
I don't have a writer's group and have never had one before. But, I think I want a group to critique and beta-read my work, since I know I can make myself sit down and write in my own home. It's the revision part that's hard for me, not seeing all the things I'm doing wrong and confusing the reader.
Congrats on finding the right fit for you, Joanna!
I faithfully attend a writing group. Actually a friend and I started the group. Meetngs are held on the last Friday of every month in her house. We don't write while at the group but rather talk about our writing and receive feedback. The group began about five years ago with two people and has grown steadily since then until now when we average about four or five attendees--although we currently have about seven writers in the group. Writing styles, genres and production varies greatly from person to person. That is an added bonus for me. This group is near and dear to my heart as they have seen me grow from an aspiring writer to an emerging author.
Good luck with your group. I hope you continue to enjoy it.
I just read your P.S. and to echo others--Yes, I love them and more, please.
Hello All,
My name is Tom Herstad. My sister are looking for a writer to help complete a book about our mother. She passed last year at age 73 from Parkinsons. She was an Earth Angel. She helped so many people in her life in oh so many ways. She opened her heart, her home and touched everyone who knew her.
We have asking those she helped to provide us with input as to their experience with her. They have started to respond and we have also writer our observations on her life. This is all brand new to us and we are looking for help. We want to be sure we find the right fit for this project.
I would like to share with you a story that offers you some insight into her way:
I came home from University after my first year. When I arrived and walked into our home I did not see anyone as I made my way through the house and to my room. When I arrived at my room I noticed to my surprise that my room was full of ladies clothing. I turned to walk into the hallway and saw my mother standing there. She put her finger on her lips and said come here. She said "Her name is Barbie. She needs that room more than you do right now and I am not moving her around. Now you have had a great first year at school and you are on your way. She is not and this is our time to help another. Now, you have two choices, the couch or the spare room. You know that I love you"
The book will be called Margie.
Thank you for your support on this request.
Tom and Julie Herstad