OLD POST ALERT! This is an older post and although you might find some useful tips, any technical or publishing information is likely to be out of date. Please click on Start Here on the menu bar above to find links to my most useful articles, videos and podcast. Thanks and happy writing! – Joanna Penn
I finally received my copy of JC Hutchin's “Personal Effects: Dark Art” this week – very exciting! It is a cross-media, supernatural thriller novel from an inspirational author! In this video, I explain about the book and why it is so cool, as well as what you might be able to do with cross-media and how J.C. podcasted his way to success.
I did a podcast with JC Hutchins which you can listen to here.
You can find out more information on JC Hutchins here: http://jchutchins.net/ [JC also posted this video on his site here – very cool!]
You can buy the book at Amazon here:Personal Effects: Dark Art
You can get the podcast novels 7th Son trilogy here: http://www.7thsonnovel.com/
Andrew says
Despite everything, now you have me interested in the idea of podcasting…
admin says
woohoo! a convert!
I am just upgrading my other blog for my first book and will also be podcasting! It is definitely a way forward to trad publishing (and self-pub) success.
Thanks, Joanna
Andrew says
Hard not to be – you are rather enthusiastic about it.
Will keep an eye out for your podcast when you start it.
Jade Elizabeth says
I have to say that’s really cool… I’m just wondering how you’d get a publisher to do that!