How to Find the Right International Markets for Your Book

For several years now, we have seen the rise of ebooks and online print book sales in the US, followed…

Joanna Penn

Attract National Media And TV By Using Keywords In Your Non-Fiction Book Title

Most marketing activities are (unfortunately) not directly measurable. It's widely agreed that the very best marketing is write a quality…

Joanna Penn

Stories That Kill. 7 Tips for Writing Crime

Writing crime is definitely a different kind of beast, as I found out when writing "Desecration" last year. Murder mystery…

Joanna Penn

Self-Publishing And Marketing Books For Children With Karen Inglis

Self-publishing picture books for children is doubly difficult than adult books in terms of production, because of the cost of…

Joanna Penn

Why Authors, Creatives And Other Introverts Should Consider Public Speaking

I'm a professional speaker, as well as an author. I'm also an introvert. Public speaking is an important part of…

Joanna Penn

It’s Not Just One Book. Your Rights And How To Exploit Them.

Warning: this may blow your mind! It blew mine when the penny finally dropped on what this truly means for…

Joanna Penn

Writing Fiction: Creating Friction With Clashing Personalities

Creating interesting characters is one critical aspect of fiction, but adding conflict is often one of the most common tools…

Joanna Penn

Happy New Year 2014. My Creative And Writing Goals for 2014

Happy New Year 2014! When the new year dawned just three years ago, in 2011, I was still an IT…

Joanna Penn

End Of Year Reflection On Creative Goals Achieved For 2013

One of the reasons I'm honest with you all on this site is for accountability. This blog has always been…

Joanna Penn

The Entrepreneurial Realities Of Being A Pro Writer With Mel Sherratt

In today's show, Amazon UK bestselling author, Mel Sherratt talks about her 14 year journey to the dream publishing deal,…

Joanna Penn