Writing Fantasy: A Short Guide To The Genre

Fantasy is a huge niche and one with plenty of fanatical fans. It's a brilliant genre to write in and…

Joanna Penn

Performing Your Work: Reading Your Book Aloud

Professional speaking is a core part of my business these days, but I am still scared silly about reading my…

Joanna Penn

Content Marketing And Book Marketing Tips With Penny Sansevieri

Publishing is changing all the time, but so is marketing. And just as Amazon changes their algorithms, so Google changes…

Joanna Penn

Save Time In Getting Book Reviews And Formatting Book Sales Descriptions With Jim Kukral

We all have a lot going on these days, and anything that saves time for our marketing efforts is a…

Joanna Penn

Are You Meeting Your Writing Goals? Try These Productivity Tips For Writers

Time seems to fly by and our writing goals can sometimes fall behind in the craziness of the day to…

Joanna Penn

A Writer’s Guide To Email Marketing With Dan Blank

One of the fundamental things an author needs is to build a list of fans who like their work. This…

Joanna Penn

Tear Down the Writing Wall. 6 Tips to Help You Finish Your Novel

 It's one problem to start a book, but quite another to finish it! Many writers struggle with completing a project,…

Joanna Penn

The Business Of Writing, Publishing And Book Marketing With Stephanie Chandler

Back in 2007, I read 'From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur' by Stephanie Chandler and it helped me decide to focus on…

Joanna Penn

Author-Entrepreneur: 10 Tips For Transitioning To Full-Time In The Job You Love

I used to be a business consultant, implementing systems into large corporates, and I was miserable as hell! It took…

Joanna Penn

Book Marketing Tips For Fiction And Non-Fiction Authors

In this 18 minute video, I outline a number of book marketing tips, some specifically for fiction and some for…

Joanna Penn