How To Sell Books With Social Media

There have always been various methods used to advertise and sell books. Social is just one of the latest incarnations.…

Joanna Penn

How One Self-Published Author Landed A Movie Deal

It's certainly one of my dreams to walk down the red carpet at the premiere of a film made from…

Joanna Penn

Wired For Story. Using Brain Science To Hook Readers With Lisa Cron

Why has 50 Shades of Grey sold millions of copies when it is not 'great' writing? Why is a great…

Joanna Penn

Measuring Achievement By The Olympics. How Much Can You Achieve In 4 Years?

The London Olympics are almost over and the closing ceremony will finish off what has been a glorious few weeks.…

Joanna Penn

Becoming A Pro Writer And Selling Thousands Of Books A Month With CJ Lyons

In today's podcast, we discuss the hybrid model of managing an author career, as well as the secrets of marketing…

Joanna Penn

Why I Signed With A New York Literary Agent

Last week I signed with literary agent Rachel Ekstrom from the Irene Goodman Literary Agency in New York. Thank you…

Joanna Penn

10 Things The Olympics Can Teach Writers

(This article was originally written for the London Olympics but is just as relevant for Rio!) I never enjoyed mass…

Joanna Penn

Writing About Death And Crime Scenes With Garry Rodgers

We are fascinated with death, as evidenced by the huge number of bestselling books, TV shows and films that center…

Joanna Penn

50 Things I Learned At Thrillerfest 2012

I am just back from an amazing Thrillerfest, the annual convention of the International Thriller Writers in New York. I…

Joanna Penn

10 Top Tips On How To Create An Audio Book

I heard Don Katz, the CEO of Audible.com speak at the London Book Fair back in April. He explained the…

Joanna Penn