How To Love Your Job Or Find A New One

There are some books we have to write because they mean so much. This is mine. This is the book…

Joanna Penn

Writing Religion And Spirituality With Jill Carroll

As writers, it is our duty and our privilege to delve into the deepest parts of human experience. We are…

Joanna Penn

Recommended Book For Creatives: Turning Pro By Steven Pressfield

There are books that we return to again and again for guidance as writers and creatives. The War of Art…

Joanna Penn

20 Tips for Writing Lovable Romance Novel Heroes

Romance is the one of the best-selling genres, and romance readers devour books so there is an ever-growing market. Romance…

Joanna Penn

Winning The Hearts And Minds Of Your Readers Through Editing With Matt Gartland

If you want to be a successful independent author, I believe that editing is one of the top things you…

Joanna Penn

Becoming A Creative Genius With Phil South

Creativity fascinates us as writers. We seek it and study it, and yet it often appears when we just stop…

Joanna Penn

5 Mistakes Of New Fiction Writers

However many books on writing we read, and however many novels we have consumed in our genre, there are still…

Joanna Penn

When A Picture Helps You Create A Thousand Words

I'm a visual person and as I'm writing I often find myself on Flickr or YouTube looking for images and…

Joanna Penn

Author Websites, Branding And CopyWriting With James Chartrand From Men With Pens

Men With Pens is one of the top copywriting sites on the web, and James Chartrand is well known on…

Joanna Penn

Nine Things You Need to Know Before You Write Your Non-Fiction Book

I started with writing non-fiction and it really did change my life. I'm actually working on rewriting my first book…

Joanna Penn