Podcast: EBook Publishing With Michelle Halket, ireadiwrite Publishing

Michelle Halket is the Creative Director for ireadiwrite Publishing, an independent press specializing in digital books. Passionate about technology and…

Joanna Penn

Why Do We Read Fiction And Why Do We Write Fiction?

Why do we read fiction and why do we write fiction? Here's a little video about my thoughts on the…

Joanna Penn

Podcast: Spoken Word Poetry With Ami Mattison

If you are into poetry and creativity you definitely want to listen to this great interview with performance poet Ami…

Joanna Penn

What Writers Can Learn From Flamenco

Creativity through dance is fascinating when writing is our main form of expression. Here are some lessons learned for writers…

Joanna Penn

How To Improve Your Blog: Lessons Learned From The Problogger Event

Blogging has changed my life both personally and professionally and I consider it an integral part of who I am…

Joanna Penn

How To Write The Ending Of Your Novel

There is plenty of writing advice about the first 10 pages, the importance of hooking the reader at the start…

Joanna Penn

Interview On BlogCastFM On Why I Blog, Traffic Building And Making Money From The Blog

I recently did an interview with Srinivas Rao from BlogCastFM, a podcast for bloggers packed full of interesting audio interviews…

Joanna Penn

People Don’t Buy Books Based On The Publisher

Most writers and authors also buy a lot of books. I certainly do, and you probably do too. So what…

Joanna Penn

Podcast: Authenticity And Creative Expression With Robert Rabbin

In July 2008, I did Robert's course 'RealTime Speaking' which was a transformative weekend for me. It helped me embrace…

Joanna Penn

Editing Your Novel: High Level Story Read Through

Finishing the first draft of my novel just made me realize how much more work I have to do in…

Joanna Penn