What Can Authors Learn From Digital Changes In The Music Industry? With Tristra Newyear Yeager

What can authors learn from the digital changes in the music industry? In this interview, Tristra Newyear Yeager talks about…

Joanna Penn

Your Author Business Plan. Joanna Penn Interviewed By Peter Urpeth From XPO North

If you want to make a decent living with your writing, a business plan can help you strategize and organize…

Joanna Penn

How To Write A Cozy Mystery With Debbie Young

Why is cozy mystery such a popular genre? What are the important tropes? What are the best ways to market…

Joanna Penn

Author Survey Results: Multiple Streams Of Income 2021

In January 2021, I sent out a survey on Author Streams of Income to my email list and shared it…

Joanna Penn

Out Now: How To Make A Living With Your Writing. Completely Rewritten And Updated Third Edition

Do you want to make a living with your writing? Do you want to turn your words into multiple streams…

Joanna Penn

Publishing On Kobo Writing Life With Tara Cremin

How can you reach more readers worldwide and sell more books on Kobo? What are the advantages to publishing direct…

Joanna Penn

Copyright Protection, Smart Contracts, Digital Scarcity And NFTs For Authors. Blockchain For The Publishing Industry With Simon-Pierre Marion

Blockchain technology offers exciting opportunities for authors and the publishing industry. In this interview, Simon-Pierre Marion and I discuss copyright…

Joanna Penn

Warrior Of The Blank Page. Writing, Marketing And Mindset With Steven Pressfield

How can you write through self-doubt? How can you break through Resistance to write and market your work? How do…

Joanna Penn

How To Write Authentic Crime Fiction With Patrick O’Donnell From Cops and Writers

How can you write nuanced police characters in your crime novels? What are some under-used crimes that might make interesting…

Joanna Penn

The AI-Augmented Author. Writing With GPT-3 With Paul Bellow

How can authors use AI writing tools like GPT-3? What's the best way to prompt the models to output usable…

Joanna Penn