Publishing Wide For The Win With Erin Wright

Do you want to make your books available to readers in every format, in every online store and library, in…

Joanna Penn

Lessons Learned From 9 Years As An Author Entrepreneur

Nine years ago, in Sept 2011, I left my day job to become a full-time author-entrepreneur. Every year since I…

Joanna Penn

Creativity, Business, And Ambition With Emily Kimelman

How can you juggle full-time writing and a family? How can you manage ambition about adventure and travel with a…

Joanna Penn

Changes In Ebook Publishing Over The Last Decade And Possible Changes Ahead With Len Edgerly Of The Kindle Chronicles Podcast

The last decade has seen a dramatic change in the publishing industry as ebooks and digital audio have gone from…

Joanna Penn

How To Write Narrative Non-Fiction With Matt Hongoltz-Hetling

What is narrative non-fiction and how do you write a piece so powerful it is nominated for a Pulitzer? In…

Joanna Penn

How To Reboot A Flagging Author Career With Michaelbrent Collings

What happens when you've written award-winning books, get amazing reviews from readers, and your sales still start a downward spiral?…

Joanna Penn

AI And Creativity Update: A Voice Double Conversation Featuring Joanna Penn And Mark Leslie Lefebvre

In mid-2019, I shared 9 Ways That Artificial Intelligence Might Disrupt Authors and Publishing, and one of those possible disruptions…

Joanna Penn

How To Write A Bestseller With Suzy K Quinn

How can you write what you love and still aim for bestseller status? How can you combine craft and business…

Joanna Penn

Writing And Business Lessons Learned From 500 Episodes And 11 Years Of The Creative Penn Podcast

It’s episode 500! Time flies indeed. The first episode of The Creative Penn Podcast was released on 15 March 2009.…

Joanna Penn

Writing Action Adventure Fiction And Systems Thinking With Nick Thacker

The life of a full-time independent author involves wearing many hats. You have to balance your time between learning your…

Joanna Penn