Comparisonitis Or “Everyone Else Is Better Than Me”

"The amateur continuously rates himself in relation to others, becoming self-inflated if his fortunes rise, and desperately anxious if his…

Joanna Penn

Trust, Visibility, Mobile Storytelling And Blockchain For Books: Lessons Learned From London Book Fair 2018

Today I have a solo show on what I learned at London Book Fair (LBF), including the challenges that authors…

Joanna Penn

Writing And The Fear Of Judgment

If you put your words on the page and the book into the world, someone is going to judge you.…

Joanna Penn

Creative Entrepreneurship And Being Boss With Emily Thompson

Can you really make a living with your creativity and have a happy, healthy life? In today's episode, Emily Thompson…

Joanna Penn

Writing Tips: 3 Techniques To Write Better Settings

All writers have their preferred methods for inspiration, and for me, it's always been setting. I visit a place and…

Joanna Penn

Pros And Cons Of Traditional Publishing vs Self-Publishing

Authors now have a choice in how they publish and get their books into the hands of readers. This article…

Joanna Penn

The Business Of Being A Writer With Jane Friedman

You can make a living with your writing if you change your mindset and educate yourself around the business as…

Joanna Penn

How To Write A Scene That Works: The Story Grid Way

It can be easy to assume that writing a story is just about getting words on the page. After all,…

Joanna Penn

How To Use Grammarly To Improve Your Writing

We rarely see the errors in our own writing, which is why I'm a super fan of using professional editors…

Joanna Penn

How Play Can Help You Overcome Anxiety And Become More Creative With Charlie Hoehn

Writers can be pretty serious people :) but we all need rest and play in our lives as well as…

Joanna Penn