The Intricacies Of German Translation. Plus German Pentecost Print Giveaway And Ebook On Sale

It's fantastic to hold your book in your hands ... and it's faintly fantastical to hold a book with your…

Joanna Penn

Writing Non Fiction As A Side Hustle With Nick Loper. Podcast Episode 192.

Writing books can be a way of life as well as a full-time living, but it can also be a…

Joanna Penn

Editing And The Writing Craft. Tips From An Editor

This is a continuation of the editing Q&A with my fiction editor, Jen Blood, based on questions submitted to me…

Joanna Penn

Author Entrepreneur. Go Direct And Sell To Your Customers With Jim Kukral

Multiple sales channels are a way to prevent being dependent on one source of revenue, and authors need to be…

Joanna Penn

Author Entrepreneur. How To Sell Books And Products Direct To Customers

An important consideration for your business is diversity of income streams. You don't want to be over-dependent on one source…

Joanna Penn

Love Thrillers? Double Launch Special. Delirium And Thrill Ride Box-Set

It's a double-launch day today and you can share in the fun by getting 9 full-length thrillers for under US$2!…

Joanna Penn

Writing Fiction. Improve Your Dialogue With James Scott Bell. Podcast Episode 190

When I started writing fiction, I found dialogue to be one of the hardest things to write. It's rarely used…

Joanna Penn

Creative Entrepreneur: Business Models For Authors

This is a continuation in the author entrepreneur series of articles. Recently, I posted the arc of the indie author…

Joanna Penn

Make Art. Make Money. Lessons From Jim Henson With Elizabeth Hyde Stevens. Podcast Episode 189

In keeping with the author entrepreneur focus of the blog recently, today I'm discussing making art and making money with…

Joanna Penn

Writing Thrillers. 50 Lessons Learned From Thrillerfest 2014

My head is still exploding with everything I learned and everyone I met at Thrillerfest this year! Below is a…

Joanna Penn