
People’s reactions when you say “I’m writing a book”

When you say "I'm writing a book" or "I'm an author", people have a number of different reactions. You can…

Joanna Penn

Interview with Ron Nash, “How to find your dream job, even in a recession”

If you have dreams of writing your own book, then be inspired by this interview with Ron Nash, author of…

Joanna Penn

Publishing 2.0 News Dec 24 2008

Here is a round up of some interesting posts from around the web: If you want to know more about…

Joanna Penn

Writer’s Guide to making a Digital Living

Thanks to Bookfutures for finding this information on the Australian Council for the Arts "Writer's guide to making a digital…

Joanna Penn

Social Networking and Web 2.0 sites for Writers and Authors

Social networking is all about connections and finding people who are interested in the same things you are. As an…

Joanna Penn

Editors, freelance writers, copyediting: Where to find the best resources

If you want to have a self-published book that can sit in bookstores alongside those from top publishing houses, you…

Joanna Penn