Do You Want Creative Freedom? [Video 5]

Welcome back, I'm Joanna Penn, author and entrepreneur, and in the video below, I'll reveal the details of the Creative Freedom course.

It's a step-by-step process to making a living with your writing, developed from my own journey – from deciding to write a book way back in 2006, to self-publishing my first non-fiction book in 2008, then my first novel in 2011, and on to leaving my day job in 2011 and on further to making a six figure income with my writing.

By sharing all my best practices, I hope to save you time along your own path!

In the video, I take you through all the details of the course, including the modules, bonuses, resources and more. You can click the link below the video at any time to find out more.

If you'd like to share this information with other authors, please send them to:

www.TheCreativePenn.com/freedom so they don't miss any of the videos in the series. Thanks!