Every book has it's flaws. Even the most professionally published book will have problems, and my novel Pentecost is no different. I had 7 proof-readers and 2 full edits but even so, we missed things!
Luckily, in an age of digital publishing, these things can be fixed. The following are a list of errors I will be fixing in future versions of Pentecost.
p. 48, 2nd paragraph, 2nd line there's a typo. “He entered the life and it descended…” should be “lift”.
Chapter 36, page 187 of my Nook
“Everett is a killer,” shed said. Instead of she said, classic spell check goof.
“…sprinkling of freckles she tried to unsuccessfully to hide.” – there's an extraneous “to” in this sentence, I believe.
“Was it was the guilt more than anything?” – there's an extraneous “was” in this sentence
“Why are you so…” Her question was cut off… – I believe, this should be an em-dash instead of an ellipse, as it indicates an interruption not a trailing off
“…over coming death.” – this should be “overcoming” as far as I can tell.
“…prized the stone loose form the neck of Thaddeus…” – shouldn't that be “pried” instead of “prized?”
The typo is ‘shed' instead of ‘she said' right on the bottom of page 163 and the Benin is on page 22 in reference to a tribal god.
* (507-515) When comparing the two sisters to their parents…”Was it was the guilt more than anything?” should it be Was it the guilt?
* (601-611) Near the end of ch.4 “Ok, if ARKANE want the stones too, we can work together….” should that be wants?
* Deep into chapter 6 (736-745) Regarding Joseph and his wife, “She had learned early on..having spent a week in Hospital…” should that be a week in the hospital?
“And my sister and niece? What about them?”
“I don’t have any orders for them. Clearly they’re not important.”
Not to me, Morgan thought, breathing a sigh of relief, even through the pain of her throbbing shoulder.
Through the word order here it seems like Morgan doesn't care about her sister. Shouldn't it be “they're to me!” or “not to you”
“You refer to the imaginary Resurrection Meteor as having a long period orbit around the earth. But it can't really exist. What could possibly exist is a recurring comet. Comets orbit the sun, not the earth. Nothing orbits the earth except the moon and man-made satellites.” @KenMcConnell
Observations by Dennis R. Blanchard and Jane Blanchard
This might be a “British” thing: whenever you give the time, such as 12:45, there is no space following for the am or pm, ex: 12:45pm (Jane)
Pg 23: “jake” should be Jake. (Jane). “Shade of Samuel,” not clear why that is in there? (Jane). “Wall size computer screen,” “wall sized” perhaps? (Dennis)
Pg 25: “God given,” should read “God-given?”
Pg. 32: 1st Full paragraph: “all powerful,” should be “all-powerful?”
Pg 27: (near bottom) “So the stones were separated too handed down to you both?” It reads oddly with the “too” in there. (Dennis)
Pg. 33: This might just be personal choice, “alcohol induced,” I would have written “alcohol-induced” with a hyphen. (Jane) Also, same page: “psychology,Jung” the space is missing between them. (Jane)
Pg 51: (near bottom) “He entered the life and it immediately decended…” Obviously, you meant “lift.” (Dennis)
Pg 86: (end 3rd paragraph) “Looking towards the main altar, he saw a heavy rope hanging and knew just what he could do to bring everyone's the attention onto him.” I believe the last “the” in the sentence does not belong there. (Dennis)
Pg 113: Top paragraph: “her tied her.” (Jane)
Pg. 187: “Clearly they're not important. Not to me, Morgan though…” I had to read this a few times before it registered. It sounded like it wasn't important to Morgan. It is grammatically correct, but the reference seemed odd. Then again, it was 3 am and my mind may have been fogging over…(Dennis).
Pg. 191: Line 9: “with longer stings” should read “stingers?”
Pg. 195: “shed said” should be “She said”